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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Quick Teacher Tip: How to Digest a Song for Teaching Purposes

When I first began teaching, I found that introducing a new song could seem daunting. Over the years I have picked up a few ideas here and there, but my favorite solution to song analysis from a teacher's perspective comes from Marilyn O'Boyle. If you ever have a chance to take some teacher training from her, I highly recommend it. You will come up with a very thorough approach to teaching the book that you study under Marilyn.

Marilyn prepared charts for each song. I took her idea and drew up a chart with two big columns down half the page, followed by 2 large square rows. I labeled the left column "Left Hand Issues" and the right column "Bowing Issues." The next row I labeled "Previews and Teaching" and the last row "Later Problems."

Song Analysis Form

When I analyze a song with this form, I have a complete picture of what the song involves and a good idea of how I need to present things. The last row is something that gets completed with teaching experience, and I'm willing to provide information for any song that someone wants. Just leave me a comment.

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