Today is the first Monday of 2014. I like to greet my Mondays with thoughts about what I want to accomplish in the coming week. Since this is the first Monday of the first full week, I thought it would be a good idea to consider the systems that I need to have in place to make my year go smoothly. Here are my top three suggestions for creating important systems:
Financial Systems -- A good financial system will account for incoming and outgoing finances, including some of the following items:
- income register
- expense register
- tax-related items register
- bookkeeping routine
- bill pay reminders
- student tuition reminders
Filing Systems -- A good filing system will rely on some of the following items:
- file storage
- filing plan
- file management
- file retrieval
Scheduling Systems: A good scheduling system will include some of the following items:
- calendars
- reminders
- to do programs
- tickler file
What systems do you need? Identify what systems you need and set them up this week. Make a plan or routine to use your systems.
Enjoy your week!
I wrote this on Sunday and forgot to post it this morning. Clearly I need to revisit my use of a reminder system.