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Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Morning Check In: Where are You?

Well, I am obviously not here. After a whirlwind schedule of recitals and performances in the past six weeks, when I finally found a few spare moments, I decided it was best not to try to cram them full with more activities. No, I did not straighten up or dust my house. I did, however, make enough meals to last me through this week of symphony rehearsals in the evening. I also found time to practice for my upcoming performances in the next three weeks.

While I did contemplate writing a Monday morning blog post, I finally made the decision to let it go for this week. I did come up with a few topic ideas that I would like to address sometime in the next week or two.

Did you know that horses breathe through their noses and not through their mouths? That means that horses will "drown" if their noses are clogged up or covered by water. Think of me as a horse this week, as I struggle to keep my nose above the waterline.

See you soon. Send good thoughts my way. It has been a roller coaster these past two weeks!


  1. Sending good thoughts your way, Paula! Keep your nose up!


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