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Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Morning Check In: Peace and Quiet

There is something to be said for turning off electronics and disconnecting. I do not practice this often enough; I realize that I probably should. Currently I am participating in a music festival in Central Oregon, and I have difficulty making Internet and cell phone connections. Although there have been times when this seemed like a terrible thing, I have found that there are some gifts that can come from it.

For example, my life is a lot quieter and simpler. I do not have to deal with email or text messages very often, because so few of them get through or go out. I do not have messages flashing across the screens of my various electronic devices, so I am not distracted. I find that I concentrate a bit more now that there is more room in my head to contemplate and focus on what I am doing.

And is that not what a vacation should be like? I use the word "vacation" quite loosely since I am actually working at this music festival and quite hard, I might add. Because of the idyllic setting and top quality level of the musicians at the festival, I sometimes forget that I am working and think that I am vacationing as well.

I do turn on my electronic devices throughout the day, but I sense that I have somehow cut the cord between us. I tell myself that this is a good thing. I can practice contemplation, reflection, and quietness a little easier because the silence has expanded.

The festival ends this week, and I will return home in time to begin teaching the fall semester at the university and the studio. That is several days away though, and I will think about that later. For now, I will sit beside an open window, feel the breeze of the cool evening Oregon air, and listen for the sound of distant coyotes.

I will turn everything back on at the end of the week. Have a great week!

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